Thursday 29 January 2009

Feedback On Ideas In Planning Stage

On Monday 26th January our group pitched our ideas and research to the rest of the class. Here, our fellow classmates became critics of our ideas and identified our strenghts and weaknesses.

Our synopsis went down well with feedback saying how our idea was clear, well researched and well thought out. We were told we had an interesting opening sequence with a good use on genre conventions. Our analysis of "Candy" and "This Is England" was detailed and very clear. One group commented on how we analysised the music in the opening sequence of "Candy" really well and were very perceptive. We made a good choice of films to anaylse and they fitted extremely well with our idea of the genre British Social Realist Drama.
Our MoodBoard gave a good sense of location and the desciptive photos went down well. Groups said that there was a great contrast shown in the MoodBoard which helped to illustrate our idea.
We had one piece of advice which was to pick out more important technigues on camera angles for social realist dramas, this has been duely noted and taken on board. Overall we are extremely happy with the positive feedback.



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